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Do you ever ask yourself the question WHY?

It has many applications, we can ask lots of different WHY's. Have you ever pondered why God created mankind? Why are we here?

God's creation is wonderful and mankind is the pinnacle.

Revelation 4:11 tells us that God should receive glory and honour because of his creation.

God has given us the world around us, and everything in it, to enjoy and to make the most of as we live.

Colossians 1:16 starts to answer the question, why God put us here. We were created FOR Him - for His pleasure. This does not mean that we were made to entertain Him, but we are here for a reason - to serve Him.

Genesis 1:27 reminds us that we are made in God's likeness. We're made in His image in order that we might be like Him.

As His children, what responsibility do we carry on a daily basis? What does God want us to do? The creator always has a purpose for His creation.

Does God feel loneliness? Eternity-past is a long time. However, He was not looking for friendship in making man.

Genesis 6:5-8 points to a time when God regretted making man, such was the evil in man's heart.
However, he helped Noah to build an ark and stay safe. Later in Exodus, he personally guided his people to the promised land. Clearly God loves His creation dearly.

God is holy, eternal, mighty and completely self-sufficient. He doesn't need mankind, but we need Him. We need His blessings, and all that He continually provides for us.

Go loves us passionately. He wants us to live with Him forever.
Through the death of His son, He paid the ultimate price to reconcile us to himself, showing the immense value he places on us.

So God created us, and then bought us back despite our sin. This shows His unconditional love for us.

Romans 5:8: "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us."

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