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Our church life is not limited to our Sunday meetings - we enjoy meeting together as a church family whenever we have the chance.
Other activities and meetings occur throughout the week, whilst others are held monthly, yearly or on an ad hoc basis. These include coffee mornings, Holiday Bible Clubs, Youth Retreats, Family Fellowship days, charity fund raising events, film nights and other social activities.
Sunday Worship

Our Sunday worship services are the main focus of the week. We meet at 10:00am to worship and break bread together. 


We also have a less formal worship service in the evening at 6:00pm.

Children's Bible Class

CBC also takes place at 6:00pm on Sunday and consists of singing and bible classes for toddlers through to teens.

On the first Sunday of each month, the classes are replaced by an evening of singing, games and crafts around a central theme.

Midweek Bible Study

Our mid-week Bible study is every Wednesday at 7:00pm.

We examine the Scriptures thoroughly, and look at Bible related subjects, with an approach that lends itself to a more 'open forum' style of Biblical learning.

There is also a class for younger children.

Ladies Bible Study

Every Monday evening at 7:00pm the ladies meet together to study topical issues and encourage one another.

Young Adults Study

Our teenagers and young adults meet together every Thursday evening in members homes to sing, study and spend time nurturing friendships.

Youth Club

Children aged 7 and upward are invited to the youth club on Wednesday afternoons during term-time from 5:15pm to 6:30pm. 

Games and activities are held at the church building or local park during summer months.

Mums and Tots

The mums and tots group meet every Monday morning during term time between 10:00am and 12:00pm. 

Activities include play, singing, stories, games, snacks and a cup of tea for the parents / guardians. 

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