Welcome, and thank you for visiting the website for Loughborough Church of Christ.
We offer a warm welcome to everyone. Please take the time to look through our site and why not pay us a visit? We look forward to seeing you.
Who are we?
We are Christians only. We are non-denominational and have no earthly head or headquarters. Our congregation governs itself under authority of Jesus Christ and by His words in the New Testament. We strive to practice our faith with the simplicity and sincerity that we read about in the New Testament. We call ourselves a Church of Christ because it denotes our desire to belong to none other than Christ.
We are involved in a variety of ministries both locally and further afield.

10.00AM Morning Service
6:00PM Evening Bible Study
7:00PM Midweek Bible Study
For other meetings and events follow the link below.
Latest News
Coronavirus: It has been our endeavour to safely continue Sunday Morning worship services despite current circumstances in the world. However, further restrictions have now been put in place by the UK government advising against any large gatherings of people.
We believe that it is important and responsible that we should heed this advice in reducing contact with others. Whilst it is extremely sad that this action must be taken, all meetings held at the church building, including the Sunday morning Worship Service, are suspended until further notice.
We must take responsibility for the welfare of our fellow citizens and those within the church family.
The face to face service will be replaced by a live video stream (on a platform TBC). This will allow us to fellowship digitally with each other and with brethren in local congregations. In addition to this, we can help facilitate the breaking of bread through careful visitation as required.
We will review this on a weekly basis and look forward to meeting again face-to-face with our church family as soon as it it is safe to do so.
It goes without saying that we should all keep those affected by this pandemic in our prayers. However, we do take comfort and reassurance knowing that God is in control.
​Upcoming Events
Please see our Facebook page for news on upcoming meetings and social events.
Malawi Project
Find out about the clinic we're helping to build.
This Week's Sermon

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Click the PDF link to download our weekly church newsletter.
Do you ever ask yourself the question WHY?
It has many applications, we can ask lots of different WHY's. Have you ever pondered why God created mankind? Why are we here?
God's creation is wonderful and mankind is the pinnacle.
Revelation 4:11 tells us that God should receive glory and honour because of his creation.
God has given us the world around us, and everything in it, to enjoy and to make the most of as we live.
Colossians 1:16 starts to answer the question, why God put us here...